Monday, May 20, 2013


It's that time of month again
When I miss your smile and I miss you grin
I miss your laugh that rang out
And I miss the way you would shout 
When you felt injustice 
But the best was 

When you talked to me about a book
That you stayed up all night to read
And needed me to listen to the details 
Of the tale and then you'd expand 
On your dreams, how you slayed a zombie 
Or two, or three
You saved the earth from an apocalyptic death
With a light saber and stealth 

You fought the dragons and the wolves
With your magic sense of humor 
And your piercing wit
With which you asked and answered questions
Learned your lessons with skill
And a will of steal 
Your generosity overwhelms me still

Your ability to create ease
In new people who may be friends or 
You found a way to connect, to reach out
To lift me from my gloom and give a 
Perspective of soon I would be done or 
I would have achieved my goal 
You believed in me and my ability 
You were there for me 

And I miss you now
It's that time of month again 
