Saturday, August 17, 2013

And I'm still making friends and influencing long as it is on their terms.

My blog is 8 years and 2 days old. Go me.

In other news, I've stirred up trouble again, this time on my Facebook page, this time with Avatar people. The storm has mostly blown over for now, but man, was it a doozy. The stirring in consciousness that went on because I made some comments that did not fit with the worldview of those reading my comments was something to behold. It got me to thinking about what I believe and why.

In this particular instance, my objection was to President Obama. Surprise! I know, but he was elected for a second term. I mean, come on. He is getting 8 years in the presidency. It's appalling. I like that word.


  [uh-paw-ling]  Show IPA
causing dismay or horror: an appalling accident; an appalling lack of manners.

Very appropriate for how I feel about his leadership, if you can call it that. I'll copy and past my conversation so my readership on here won't be out of the loop:
well. never mind. 

This is not the first time someone has disconnected from me because I had a viewpoint I was willing to stand up for. I'll post what is left of the conversation stream, just for kicks and giggles:
It started with this article, to which I replied, "Mr. President, your actions are speaking so loudly I cannot hear your words."
To which my Australian friend asked why I was always hating on the President. Suggesting compassion and expansion, to which I responded with:

  • Abby Cox I have nothing against vacations, enjoying oneself and experiencing pleasure. I believe those are all good things, but for him to talk as he does about helping the middle and lower class and to criticize the upper class, he has not a leg to stand on. In fact, by taking such actions as going on lavish vacations, which is the rule not the exception for him, he is completely undermining his whole campaign strategy at least according to what he says. Instead of acting in integrity with his word, he acts directly opposite it, and then has the gall to expect his constituents to accept and agree with what he has said. He is a liar. If calling a spade a spade makes me a hater, then I am a hater. Unfortunately, this hater has to live with the decisions that liar is making and the influence he is having on the country I live in and will very possibly at some point be raising my children in. I have as much compassion I would have for anyone who is abusing his power and manipulating his populace with the grace of a snake and the voice of a viper. I'm actually really expanded, thinking about how his choices of government are going to affect me and my family for many years to come, assuming some kind of apocalypse does not happen first.
  • Abby Cox I get it, you guys. You feel like because I'm not all warm and fuzzy about the President that I must be stuck in a viewpoint about him, perpetuating some wretched self deception that I'm not acknowledging and am projecting it all on him. That may be so, but I doubt it. 
    You telling me that I'm in a creation and that I should own it and discreate it, is well meant. You want me to be happy, carefree and content with "the now." 

    Honestly, I'm not sure how I'm not seeing things for what they are. Did I miss something? Or does the President of the United States, Barak Obama, keep saying one thing and doing another? Did I blink? Do I need to get my hearing checked? Perhaps I should get a psychological evaluation to ensure that I'm not insane when I hear Mr. President Obama saying one thing and then watching him do the opposite. Maybe I need to be reminded of some great wisdom from the mouth of Harry Palmer to refresh my memory as to why what the President does is none of my concern and that I should just keep paying my internship fee and work "to create more Avatars, Masters, and Wizards." 
    Maybe I am reactive. 
    Maybe so. 
    Maybe I am being sarcastic, judgements, and critical. 
    Maybe I am making assertions that seem harsh, direct and insensitive. Maybe I should try to curb my tongue and turn the other cheek, because why? 
    Because I'm not contributing to an Enlightened Planetary Civilization? Says who? 
    By whose standard are you judging me? 
    And why should I obey their standard? 

    Vonnie, I love you, but you are not an American citizen and you do not know why I would say things about my President such as call him out on his inconsistencies. 
    Ana, no offense, but I bet you voted for the guy, bless his heart. 

    I refuse to play footsie with a guy who is doing wrong, even if it is just a mention in a Facebook post.
  • Denis Burykin Who gave you the right to tell Abby that she is wrong?
  • Denis Burykin Ana More, if Abby likes to explore this subject it is not your right to tell her how to fix it. She can do what ever she pleased with it and when the time is right she will be the one who can end it.
  • Abby Cox Please consider this story:
          Word of the Emperor's refined habits spread over his kingdom and beyond. T...See More
  • Denis Burykin Anna More: it does not matter what you think she is experiencing, 
    if she is source being then why are you indoctrinating her what to do?

    By telling her what to do you are projecting on her that she is a victim but you want her to be source being.
    This is your own limitation where you want to be a source being but can't.

    By labeling her 'a victim' you gave yourself a right to dictate her what to do. Lost integrity. Label it just as it is ...
  • Ana More' Well then. Abby Cox Enjoy criticizing and reacting. I remember Harry saying that all ideas of separation, politics, religion should be treated as a belief and discreated. That's the viewpoint I was viewing this from. 'Nuff said.
  • Denis Burykin If you see a problem, you become part of the problem. What you observe as can become a reflection of something you need to integrate.
  • Denis Burykin Vonnie, what makes you think that Abby feels hatred? how about this view point: people who have victimizer identity reflect that onto Abby and try to punish her for that, rather than do work on themselves they point that in others and tell them to fix it.
  • Denis Burykin ... for me, working with Abby last wizards and observing her posts suggests that she is integrating a big part of herself, and all her critics are only helping her to do that. Have empathy to see that.

    There are many ways how one can reflect on the self, there are many ways to self awareness ...
  • Abby Cox Denis, you articulated to Ana very well what I was experiencing from her. Vonnie, this is not a war of beliefs, what is happening in Egypt right now, that is a war of beliefs. Ana, I would like to distinguish a difference between what someone says and what someone means, they are not always the same. What I perceive your meaning to be is my experience of what you said, and your reaction to what I said is based on your perceived meaning. It is wise not to confuse what someone said and what someone meant. Harry is not my spiritual authority and I do not submit my will nor my mind to his, though you are at liberty to do so. He has created a thing called Avatar and I've experienced all the courses, some several times over. If I am not able to draw a conclusion from my experience with it now, I don't know if I ever will. Vonnie, if I am drawing attention to President Obama it because I feel I have a responsibility to do so, though you may perceive it as hatred or disapproval, that is your choice. I really don't care, because though I know you care about me, you have very little invested in whether or not the nation of the United States stands or falls. I do. I deeply believe in the values that this country was established on and I am willing to defend them from those who would like nothing better to see this country dissolve into a socialistic/communistic/fascist state, though most of them don't have the balls to call it that. This discussion is very near and dear to my heart because it relates directly to everything I live by. So please, ask away, discuss, argue (even though that is a bad word in Avatar), disagree, agree, but care, care because it does matter. I will not allow the propaganda of "it's all just labels and beliefs" to dilute the concentrated effort my forefathers have put forth when they evaluated what was necessary for a country to survive and prosper. I haven't done a very good job of doing that so far in my life, but I am resolved to do better now and in the future.
    23 hours ago · Edited · Like · 2
  • Pranay Sundarji Make it rain Abby Cox, make it rain

    I must have a way with words or something to make people object so loudly to me. What is interesting to me is that Denis is a Russian who lives in New Zealand. He has more of an American perspective than does the American by the name of Ana. I am intrigued by this. 

    Anyway, it sucks. 

    Perhaps I should take up being a marshmellow. Then no one would find me distasteful. 

1 comment:

Marcephalus the Large Grey Thing of Indeterminate Species said...

Abby, the fact that no one seems to be commenting on your blog posts strikes me as a tragedy at least the equal of anything you've studied in your drama classes.

You go, girl. You eight-year blogger. And a couple of days.

-Marcephalus the Large Grey Thing of Indeterminate Species