Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Weekly Days

Can home and love be synonyms? 

Maybe it's just been in my experience, but I've never felt more of a demonstration of love than from my family, at home. 
These people I grew up with, I don't think the location was all that important, as long as we were there together. 
As I write this I think of my sister-in-law who may be going into labor with her third daughter, about my mom who now lives hundreds of miles away from my family. 
Then there is me.
I've thought about leaving home. Leaving the comfortable, the familiar, the safe place I know I will be supported and loved.

On Facebook a bunch of my friends are posting a single thing every day that they are thankful for; during this process I am thankful for them doing that so I kind of have an idea of what day of the month it is. 
For me, everyday of the week stands out for one reason or another. 
My mother moved out on a Sunday.
Monday was the first day without her.
Tuesday was the last complete day I had to be with Micah. 
Micah died on a Wednesday.
Thursday was the first day Micah was gone.
Friday was the visitation.
Saturday was the funeral.

Is it melodramatic to frame the week in terms of life and death, togetherness and separateness?

I've noticed a lot of time in our culture love songs are focused on romance or the lack thereof. Personally, I don't have the same strong feelings about that. I think romance is great, but I've never felt the love and support from that relationship that I have from the people who helped raise me. If you ever wonder, that's where home is for me.

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